Library Policies
When students check out textbooks, library books or other library materials, they agree to be responsible for lost or damaged items. The materials are on loan for student use and must be returned by the due date and in good condition. The library discourages leaving books in classrooms, since students are responsible for all materials checked out in their name. It is the student's responsibility to bring all books back to the library to be checked in at the end of the course, if they leave our school or the end of the school year. Keep your books in your possession at all times (don't share with others or leave them unattended). Keep your books clean and dry, and covered. Use a waterproof backpack, or keep a plastic bag inside your backpack that you can put your books in during rainy weather. Refrain from tossing or dropping books. Refrain from writing in books. If you put a water bottle inside your backpack, with textbooks, make sure the lid is screwed down tightly. Want directions for how to cover your textbook with a brown grocery bag? Click here. With a book cover?
Current year VHS ID cards are required on campus every day and are needed for all library activities. Replacement cards cost $5.00, available in the office.
The library computers are to be used for school research purposes only. This means no e-mail, games, music, shopping or other inappropriate use. Students log on using their personal account information. Credit must be given for all sites accessed when researching for a paper or project, so as to avoid plagiarism. Students who do not comply with the EGUSD appropriate use policy, printed in the student handbook, may lose computer privileges.
Most library books are checked out for three weeks. No fines are charged, but lost or damaged books must be paid. Students with overdue books or charges for lost or damaged books may not check out library books, although they will be issued textbooks. Students may have up to three library books checked out at any one time, of which only two may be by the same author or on the same subject, so as to make the library collection available to the greatest number of students.
Keep in mind that the library is intended as a quiet location for studying or reading. Please speak quietly and respect other students' right to work without interruption, follow the directions of library and school staff, and leave your food, gum and drinks outside. All school rules, including those that apply to passes, electronic devices and the dress code, will be enforced.
If you are looking for a lower cost option to replace core-subject textbooks, see this information. This option is not guaranteed, as online marketplaces flucuate, but it is worth trying. Be aware that this is not available for class novels. Lower cost option for replacing textbooks.
Other options and other information is below.
LOST BOOKSStudents will be charged the full replacement cost of any textbook or library book or class novel they lose while it is checked out to them. Students may not check out a second copy of any textbook until a payment plan is established for the first copy. Talk to the library staff to do this. See below for more information. Textbooks must be returned when the course the student is enrolled in ends so the book is available to be checked out to another student.Payments for lost textbooks that are returned to the library within one year of the original due date will be refunded, provided it is a current adoption of the textbook.DAMAGE CHARGESStudents need to report any book that is checked out in damaged condition during the first month they have it. The damage will be noted so the current user is not charged. Students who share their books, leave them behind in classrooms, the MP room, the bus, or otherwise lose control of the book are charged for any damage incurred while it is checked out to him/her. The library staff encourages students and staff to take the utmost care to avoid losing or damaging textbooks or library books.If you LOSE a textbook or whole class novel:
- Come to the library before school or during an open lunch time. We can check your record to see if the book was found and returned to the library.
- If it has been brought back by someone or found on campus, you can just check out another copy of the textbook, and you are set!
- If the lost book is still checked out on your account, it is not found and you can do one of the following:
- If you left it somewhere at school, we can give you the barcode # and you can look for it in all your classrooms. If you can’t find it, go to item 2 below.
- If you are not sure where you lost it, and it has been missing for a few weeks, you can
- Pay for the lost textbook/class novel completely and get another book issued to you.
- Put down 10% of the cost of the book, fill out & sign a payment plan contract, get another book issued to you.
- Buy a less costly replacement copy online after reading the rules of this option. High School book replacement
Note that options #1 or #2 allow you to be refunded the money you paid, if the book is found within one year. If using the third option , buying an online copy, both the replacement copy and the original (if found) are the property of the district and no money refunds are issued.
Good news! The library has textbooks for use inside the library. This service is available before school or during an open lunch. If you need to catch up on an assignment while your book is still missing and you are arranging payment or replacement, look for the textbook loan cart inside the library on the far side of the counter.
If you DAMAGE a textbook or whole class novel and it is unusable:
Come to the library before school or during an open lunch time You can do one of the following:
- Pay for the damaged textbook/class novel completely and get another book issued to you.
- Put down 10% of the cost of the book, fill out & sign a payment plan contract, get another book issued to you.
- Buy a less costly replacement copy online after reading the rules of this option. Ask a library staff member.
- Note that buying an online copy is a very good option for a seriously damaged book, although this is only available for regular textbooks, not class novels.
If you DAMAGE a textbook or whole class novel and it just needs repair work:
- We will charge you a repair fine for the damages (usually $5 to $10 but may be more).
- We will move the damaged book to our repair area and issue you another textbook once you have paid the fine.